It's taken me a few days to compose myself enough to write this entry. I spent a few days prior to Herb's hospital appointment worrying about what they might say/find. He was due for a chest x-ray, spleen scan, blood tests and general check after the pneumonia/empyema. Would we find that all of this was coincidence? bad luck? Would he have an immune deficiency that needed immediate antibiotic attention that may continue for years? How would he react to blood tests, scans, x-rays when he was well? My mind was a whirr of questions...
So the day arrived, appointment at 4pm. My mum was in place to look after the other 3, Dan was off work and off we went. We arrived early, waited and were first called at 4.20pm for weight, height & prep for bloods. Herbs took it all in his stride. We were called at 4.30pm...went over all of the old ground again, asked how he was now, commented that he was in 91st centile for weight, (Herbie promptly asked for chocolate biscuits on the mention of food ...the shame...I only had them so that if he screamed during bloods I could bribe him!) The consultant then filled out the forms for the scan & x-ray and said 'oh sorry it's nearly 5, too late now, you'll need a new appointment!!!!' GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
She then made comment that the appointment was late, I felt implying that we had cancelled a previous one, which we hadn't. Then she said that he should've had the vaccination mentioned in the letter dated mar 27th by now. I told her it arrived mid April and then Easter etc. She said well no point in doing bloods...
Ok I am getting a bit angry just typing this again...waste of time...
Anyway he now has 3 separate appointments...we may have answers by August... *sigh*
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