Friday 21 January 2011

A new year, a new age, a new chapter


Happy New Year! 2011 is already 21 days old and I am only just finding time to add a bit here.
Christmas was great, New Year was quiet. On Jan 12th Herbie turned 2. Dan & I chatted that day about the times last year when Herbie turning 2 looked unlikely. As I put that into print it looks like we are overreacting, being dramatic but it is so true.
Herbie greeted his 2nd birthday with new words, an ability to run, dance and amazingly NO RASH, cold or cough!!
What a year ... we are hoping that this year will be 'his year' this little boy is made of tough stuff though.
In the local paper yesterday was an article about a family, living very close to my parents house, whose daughter contracted meningitis in Dec last year. she was take to the JR hospital too and miraculously survived after a long battle. Our wake up call was that this little tot lost the lower half of all 4 limbs at 2. Dan just looked at me and said 'God we were so lucky'
I know that every moment of Herbie's exisitence, since his conception, has felt like that :)