Cool! We made it! A germ free, rash free, virus free Christmas 2010!!
Herbie really got into the swing of the festivities :)
So my attention turns to 2011...
My wishes:
1) Herbie stays healthy & strong and continues to progress well
2) We manage a healthier year all round in our family and with our friends (a special Hugo mention here :) )
3) No new babies/pregnancies just 'living at last'...this is what it's about. To me the pregnancy/new baby bit is a means to an end. I want the children not the pregnancy excitement/attention/accomplishment. Almost anyone can have a baby one way or another, give birth etc but being a good parent, that doesn't come easily to everyone, coping with being a parent doesn't come easily to everyone...these are the real tests...that is the bit I relish! Bring it on...2011, our year of two 8 year olds, one 3 year old and one 2 year old...whoohoo! I can't wait! :) Just promise me no more BIG illness.
Happy Christmas & happy new year...may your dreams for 2011 come true x