There are days when life with my children & husband is so idyllic that I want to burst! Today is such a day, a day I wanted to spend just with them and so we did! We've shopped a little, watched the narrow boats lazing on the canal, eaten heartily and just enjoyed one another's company. My camera hasn't stopped snapping!
It's a far cry from 5 weeks ago (Mother's Day) when we were torn apart by an ambulance arriving around 6am to take our youngest, 14 month old Herbie, to hospital where he was urgently treated for bacterial meningitis. If your child has ever been whisked from your arms by a paramedic as you screamed hysterically after them you'll have some idea of what I went through that morning, if not I hope you never ever do.
Meningitis ... what do you think of? Rash? The tumbler test? Loss of limbs? Death?
None of these, thankfully, feature in our tale. (which you can read here...
http://www.meningitis.org/book-of-experience/herbie-taylor-36892). Meningitis hit us like a free rolling truck and dragged us along for almost 3 weeks before finally letting us go. Our 3 other children, 7 year old twins Lily & Kitty and 2 year old Rufus were split up, living with our respective parents and we ate and slept in the walls of the hospital.
So today we feel like we were almost the family we were BEFORE meningitis. I say almost because Herbie is still not walking (he was before) but he's cruising again. We will also never truly be the same family...it's changed us despite the happy outcome. For a start I'm blogging...here is where I will note things about our family as we leave the Meningitis detour and head out back on our journey .