Monday, 28 June 2010

spots and memories

It's been a while and lots has happened. Herbie has been doing well, running about, being amusing and generally in good health. Then with an outbreak of Chicken Pox (the one thing we were told to avoid) we tried hard to avoid them.
Herbsie had his MMR finally after all of the delays and was a good boy, then 6 days after he had a fever and 14 days later woke with a rash that covered his whole body! A measles rash! Poor spotty boy...
We are also trawling through our memories of our time in hospital with Herbie as good friends of ours are in with their 5 year old who is ill with no diagnosis! Being a parent is so damn hard on the soul at times, thank goodness children are also the best tonic!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

More Fundraising

Only 6 weeks until my sister & two of my sister in laws do the 10K run for The Meningitis Trust. My nephew's infant school just raised over £500 for the PHDU at the JR and I have to go and spend the cake sale money on the wish list items asap. I guess as summer arrives the fundraising will end and this period of our lives will be put behind us. We are glad about that, it's time to look forward.
We did have a taste of summer with some glorious weather a few weeks ago and this gave me an opportunity to play with my 4th love (family, job, music being 1,2 & 3), my camera!
As far as Herbalicious and his recovery...well he has glue ear, not caused by the meningitis but probably the initial cold virus. He is still very snotty! Back to the hospital in August to check his ears again. His sleeping pattern is back to normal and he goes to bed without tears now. He walks most places now and is back to be a total monkey.
It is 10am on day 5 of the Spring holiday and he has only been up since 8am but has managed to break a cup, tip his breakfast on the floor and empty the cereal cupboard! The hardest part is the joy you feel seeing him do these 'ordinary' things knowing that a few months ago you wondered if he would make it, let alone cause toddler havoc! I know that I shouldn't be soft on him...he is a normal toddler now, 17 months old and into mischief!